Breastfeeding Help Library
Definitions of Breastfeeding Acronyms & Abbreviations
Definitions of Breastfeeding Acronyms & Abbreviations What do all these abbreviations mean? Here's a quick, alphabetized cheat sheet on the shorthand you'll find in the world of babies & breastfeeding!...
When to Seek Professional Breastfeeding Help
Producing breastmilk is natural, but the art of latching a baby to the breast is learned. Sometimes what is supposed to come easily doesn't, and sometimes a breastfeeding problem occurs after...
Lactation Support Links
Lactation Consultations Book a Video Consultation Now! Free Breastfeeding Support Groups Notice of Privacy Practices of the Lactation Consultant
Study Proves Importance of IBCLC Care
A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that patients connected with International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) were three times more likely to be exclusively...