Connections For Children

Connections for Children is the non-profit Child Care Resource and Referral agency serving child care providers, educators, and parents in the West Los Angeles and South Bay communities. We offer assistance to parents and child care professionals seeking information, referrals, and education. We are a strong voice in support of quality child care and early education. Connections for Children has linked children's advocates, service providers, and parents about issues affecting children and families for over 40 years.

We offer many workshops for parents, sharing tips on tantrums, toilet teaching, and positive discipline, and other important aspects of children’s development. We administer several child care subsidy programs, helping about 800 families cover child care costs for over 1,500 children. Connections for Children also works with approximately 750 child care sites in our region, helping providers build secure and enriching experiences for over 14,000 children.

We offer a wide range of programs for child care providers, including professional development workshops, one-to-one coaching support, and onsite technical assistance consultations. Our Mobile Toy Loan van makes stops at Family Child Care Homes throughout the area, delivering a variety of toys and books on a rotating basis.

Connections for Children is an advocate for quality child care and early education. We work closely with parents, child care providers, and business and community leaders to promote quality services for children and their families. We serve as a clearinghouse for information on child care services, parenting, and child development and safety.

Below you will find the direct link to their website's referral page where families can connect with us via phone, email or do an online provider search and find a licensed child care program that fits their needs.

Connections For Children

Connections For Children

Connections For Children