Why are Other Moms the Only Ones Teaching Us How to do This?
August 24, 2017 - By Julia Beck for Refinery29
It's often said that there's no user's manual with a baby, but the truth is that's not what we need; we need other new parents who'll candidly share their experiences and insights, so we can see what feels like a fit to us and our path. read more

How Repealing the ACA would Hurt Mothers Who Breastfeed
July 29, 2016 - By Julia Beck for Washington Post
When President Obama signed the highly complex bill into law in 2010, the ACA opened a new world for new mothers. Now that it appears the ACA may be repealed the provisions that aim to benefit new moms and their children may disappear forever. read more

Shopping for Baby in LA: The Pump Station & Nurtury
July 29, 2016 - By LA Baby Show
The Pump Station and Nurtury is a breastfeeding and baby care resource center and boutique that nurtures, supports, and empowers expectant and new parents. To learn more, we caught up with Pump Station CEO Cheryl Petran! read more

Best Places for New Moms in LA
April 17, 2015 - By Caitlyn Trudnich for CBS Los Angeles
Check out CBS LA's picks for the best places for new moms in LA! read more

Breastfeeding Week: Corky Harvey, Pump Station & Jenny James, SocialGoodMoms
August, 2014 - By Kristin Cruz for Blog Talk Radio
Learn about how you can join the cause. Get expert advice from a lactation specialist. Let's talk about breastfeeding! read more

For Lactating Mothers, Jury Duty Poses Logistical Challenges
May 17, 2014 - By Corina Knoll for LA Times
When the she reported for jury duty after being told she would be given a room where she could breast-pump, she was directed to the stall of the women's restroom. read more

5 Ways to Make New Mom Friends
March 23, 2014- By Sarah Maizes for Parenting
Our gaffe-proof guide to meeting, and keeping your new mom friends with the help of Wendy Haldeman MN, RN, IBCLC and co-founder of The Pump Station and Nurtury®. read more

The Day Someone Threw Me a Rope
February 18, 2014 - By Allison Tate for Huffington Post
Read one mom's experience in our Breastfeeding Support Group: "...all of us shared a common quality: a wild look in our eyes, perhaps a button askew on our shirts, hair thrown up in messy buns or that lay rumpled on our shoulders -- the hallmarks of sleep deprivation and the exhaustion of new motherhood that soaked our very bones read more

Breastfeeding 101: Why This Discussion Still Matters
August 27, 2013- By Rachel Epp Buller for Nursing Clio
"... I was reminded once again why these discussions are so important, why lactation consultation is on the rise, and why there is a constant demand for breastfeeding classes and breastfeeding support groups." read more