Car Seat Check & Installation Services
Some bad news: research indicates that approximately 60% of car seats are installed improperly. Our own experience is that the error rate is even higher, when also considering the child's seating and restraint positions.Some great news: car seat installation services are free with your car seat purchase at The Pump Station. Your baby's safety is your top priority ... and ours, too. Let us install your seat, and teach you how to do it - and re-do it properly, every single time. And while you're here, fill out that important warranty card and we'll mail it for you.
Tell family & friends, you want it from The Pump Station!
Price: Free, with your car seat purchase from The Pump Station. Click here to see inventory in-stock.
For Car Seats purchased outside of The Pump Station & Nurtury:
- $75 per Car Seat for 1st Installation plus Education.
- $15 for each Extra Base being installed.
- Return Visits: $40 per Car Seat to check, re-install, or transfer to new car.
To Schedule your appointment: just call us at 310-998-1981. Outside Los Angeles, we can help you via Zoom! Please plan to set aside approximately 30-45 minutes for appointment depending on car seat and vehicle.
Meet Adam
In an effort to insure our parents are providing the safest ride possible for their little ones, we've got veteran LA Car Seat Technician Adam Lari as head of our Car Seat Safety and Gear Team. Adam started his career with Babies-R-Us at the age of 16 as a customer care associate and within one year he was promoted to Baby Gear Department Supervisor. Adam is now a member of Safe Kids LA Coalition and is recognized by California Highway Patrol (CHP) as a certified child car seat safety technician. He has organized and attended many safety events working with other technicians, LAPD, and Highway Patrol to further improve his skills, and assist parents with safety tips. He now happily practices what he teaches with his lovely wife and 2 young daughters.
Adam will also be mentoring Lynn Murdock, a member of our in-house team that was recently Certified as a Car Seat Technician. Together with the rest of our team they'll be helping parents make - and install - the right gear choices to meet their budgets and lifestyle.
Important Notes: The Pump Station policy is that only technicians with training are allowed to touch, or even advise on anyone's child safety seat installation. This is why we do not offer a drop-in service - we require appointments so that we can make sure a technician is available and awaiting your arrival.
In the event you believe your car seat to actually be broken, then we urge you to contact your seat manufacturer. Not just because they are best equipped to assist you, but because they genuinely want to know if there are any issues in the field with their products. That data is invaluable and we assure you they are happy to help.