It's Easy:  Call 310-998-1981 now to reserve your Medela Symphony Hospital Grade Breast Pump. 

Read: Top Reasons why every mom should rent the Symphony Breastpump from us

For over 30 years we've been renting the Medela Symphony® Breast Pump to expecting and new families in Los Angeles. The Symphony® is the industry's premier hospital grade pump. With the largest supply of Symphony® Pumps anywhere in Southern California, and the most knowledgeable team to answer all of your pumping questions, we can  support you in creating a plan to build your milk supply at home or when returning to work so your baby can thrive and you can rest at ease.

Most Commonly Asked Questions about Breast Pump Rentals: Breast Pump Rental FAQ

The Symphony® has the added advantage of mimicking the sucking pattern of the baby. The pump action begins with a fast. light pattern to enhance let-down, then switches to a slower and stronger expression phase. Moms can easily change from single pumping to double pumping to support nursing comfort and help build milk supply as needed. Our moms and IBCLC's find this pump is a lightweight and compact alternative compared to other hospital grade pumps on the market.

We strongly recommended this top-of-the-line pump for any mother who is separated from her hospitalized baby, has twins, is trying to increase a low milk supply, is coping with plugged ducts and mastitis, or who has a baby that isn’t latching or nursing well. These rental pumps are approved by the FDA for multiple users.

Breast Pump Rentals

In order to use this pump you will need the Medela Symphony pumping kit which is often given to new moms in the hospital after baby is born. If your hospital does not give you this kit, you can purchase it from us. We carry an extensive inventory of replacement pieces if you need them as you use pump over time.


It's essential that you have a Symphony Kit or the Universal Breast Pump Accessory Kit in order to use the Symphony Breast Pump.  Some accessories  must be purchased as they cannot be shared due to FDA health restrictions. We sell individual pieces if needed.

Rental contracts require a credit card and valid form of identification with a matching signature on our rental contract. You can call our stores to learn more about renting a pump or reserve a pump so everything is ready when you arrive after baby is born. We want to make this rental process as simple as possible!

The BabyChecker™ Scale Rental

This scale is perfect for new parents of preterm infants just discharged from the NICU.  Many mothers are anxious that their tiny infant may not be getting enough milk at the breast and are more likely to supplement with a bottle. Research has shown that if mothers are able to weigh their infant each day, they gain the confidence to continue to breastfeed without supplementation. 

Breast Pump Rentals Los Angeles

This baby scale is lightweight, portable, operates on batteries and has an easy-to-read LCD display. Please note that this scale is not suitable for determining how much the infant had to eat at a particular feeding.