When do infants outgrown their infant car seats?

When do infants outgrown their infant car seats?

So, you’re a new parent and you’ve seen so much information on social media regarding whether your baby still fits in their infant seat and whether they are safe. Not to worry, this is a common concern among so many parents, which is why we thought Adam, our on-staff Certified Passenger Safety Technician could help you understand whether baby is ready to transition to a rear-facing convertible or all-in-one car seat. Check out the video linked here and see if your baby has outgrown their seat or check out the information below. 

Every car seat has maximum weight and height requirements so in order to determine if baby still fits safely you need to follow the manufacturers guidelines. When evaluating fit follow these 3 steps:

1.    Get babies age, weight and height so you have the most current information.

2.    Check to see what the maximum weight and height requirements are for your baby’s car seat.

3.    There are 3 ways to determine if baby is ready for a new convertible car seat:

1.     If baby has outgrown weights limit of the car seat

2.     If baby has outgrown height limit of the car seat

3.     If there is less than 1 inch from the top of baby’s head to the top of the car seat

Other things to remember….

·      You should regularly check to see if baby still fits as they grow so fast!

·       If you’re unsure about whether they’ve outgrown their seat, call the store and setup an appointment with Adam.

·       Parents may worry that long legs mean their child has outgrown their seat. If their legs are crossed or bent, there's no need to worry—baby's legs aren't fully developed in the first few years, so they won't cramp or cause harm.

·       It’s always best to keep baby rear facing as long as your car seats allows you as that is what’s safest for baby.

We can’t emphasize enough the importance of using the right car seat for baby’s safety and comfort. We invite you to share this post and the video link above with friends or family members that may have similar concerns. 

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