A sleeping baby resting peacefully on someone’s shoulder.

Recommended Vaccinations for Relatives & Caregivers

Here is a list of vaccines we recommend you ask friends, relatives and care-givers to get prior to bringing baby home, if they will be spending time with them. If you have any questions at all we recommend you discuss with your health care provider.

Pertussis  - Whooping cough - is usually given with tetnus. Everyone needs this.

Flu - Depending on the season

Pneumonia - For ages 50 and up

Shingrix - For ages 50 and up - This is a two part vaccine given 2-6 months apart. They could at least get started. This vaccine often has a significant reaction with arm swelling and flu like symptoms—but it’s an important one.

Covid—at least get started. This is controversial these days so talk with the doctor

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