Pump Life Documentary

Pump Life Documentary

Viewing Link for Pump Life Documentary

Director:  Colleen McGregor

Producers:   Colleen McGregor, Matthew McGregor

Cinematographer: Eva Ye

Editor: Mathew McGregor

Genre:  Documentary

'Pump Life' is about three working mothers from diverse backgrounds who are united by their commitment to breast pumping while on the job and how their identities and lives have evolved since having babies. The film shows the struggle these women face trying to do it all.

The World Health Organization recommends mothers worldwide exclusively breastfeed infants for the child's first six months to achieve optimal growth, development and health and encourage it for up to two years of life. However, in the US, many women must return to work at three months or sooner. Pumping is a way to meet that demand and connect to their babies, but proves to be a complex and emotional journey. 


Colleen McGregor (née O'Halloran) holds an MFA in Film Production from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts and a BA in Writing from Georgetown University. She is a director, writer, and professor at Fullerton College, with a focus on human rights, diverse characters, and cinematic aesthetics.

Colleen is the Co-Founder of The Greenprint, a non-profit that uses virtual games for community-driven, sustainable planning. The Greenprint was selected for MIT Open Doc Lab's WORLDING 2023. She also spoke at NYU's New Now Summit on the panel: Expanding Human Connection Through Art & Technology and is producing the docuseries 'Land Games' on land rights and food sovereignty.

Previously, Colleen was the lead creative producer for the 'World in a Cell/Inner Space' project at USC’s World Building Media Lab. Her recent projects include directing video series about women's sports for the media platform Togethxr and the short documentary ‘Pump Life’ about mothers facing the challenges of pumping in the workplace. In 2018, she co-produced 'Target Zero,' a documentary series that shows the challenge and emotional complexity of the fight to control HIV infection

Her debut feature, ‘From the Mouthpiece on Back,’ premiered at AFI Dallas and other festivals. She co-wrote 'The Mad Whale,' available on major streaming platforms, and is seeking funding for her indie feature 'Gothland.' Colleen’s work also includes art direction and production design on features and award-winning shorts. Learn More:

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