Young children sitting on purple mats during playtime with colorful toys scattered around them.

Our Clients Love Our Mommy & Me Groups, Here's Why:

We all know that no two babies are alike and no two parents are alike. However, we also know that there is strength in numbers, and the support you get early on is so important to helping you build the confidence you need to be the best parent you can be. There are so many reasons why these groups can benefit you and your family, here is what our clients tell us:

  1. “I’ve built life-long friendships with others I’ve met in my group!” We’ve all heard the expression that it takes a village to raise a child, well our Parent & Me Classes are the perfect place to grow your village of support. Here you will meet other new parents with babies the same age as yours. Together, you will learn from shared experiences and gain confidence in your new roles as parents. You might even find yourself attending your kids 16th birthday parties together! 
  1. “I learned so much about my baby’s development”. This is a great way to bond with your baby and learn about all things related to your baby’s development through songs, exercises, music and movement, as well as education, support, and effective parenting techniques. You can then take this knowledge home with you and share with other family members.
  2. “I became so much more attuned to my child’s needs and feelings”.  Based on a mindful parenting philosophy, we teach new parents how to be attuned to their child’s inner world. We will support you in learning how to trust your intuition and parent in a way that honors your authentic self.
  3. “I love the fact that the instructors are credentialed and not self-proclaimed parenting experts”. All of ourParent and Me facilitators are trained licensed therapists with backgrounds in child development and some specialize in maternal mental health. Our instructors will help you understand how your babies mature emotionally, cognitively, socially and physically.
  4. “These groups helped me learn tricks to better adjust to the challenges and joys of parenting”.  You will learn practical and useful information on topics such as infant sleep, language development, renegotiating your relationship with your partner, introducing solids, empathic limit setting, and so much more!
  5. “I became so comfortable with my group, I never felt judged”. Being a new parent can be very isolating, but when you become part of our Parent & Me community, you are sharing this experience with other new parents. You will learn from your instructors and each other in a Safe Haven where you will not feel judged.

For more information on our Mommy & Me/Parent & Me Groups email or visit the following resource links below.


6 Reasons Why You Should Join a Parent & Me Group

Our Clients Love Our Mommy & Me Groups Here’s Why:


Our Clients Love Our Mommy & Me Groups Here’s Why:


Our Clients Love Our Mommy & Me Groups Here’s Why:


Our Clients Love Our Mommy & Me Groups Here’s Why:


Our Clients Love Our Mommy & Me Groups Here’s Why:
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