Couple holding hands.

Childbirth Prep Class

Feel empowered and confident

Child car seat with safety harness.
Child car seat with safety harness.


Parents Love the Callisto

360° Rotating All-in-One Car Seat

Woman with two strollers.

From Cybex

Get A Little e-Help!

Meet the new e-Gazelle S Stroller. One-handed power operation at your fingertips.

Electric breast pump with collection bottles.
Electric breast pump with collection bottles.

It's Easy

Rent a Hospital-Grade Breast Pump

Don't Miss This Essential Learning

Pump Station Parenting Education

A Family Owned and Operated Small Business - Since 1986.

From Pregnancy to Mommy & Me - We've Got You!

Pregnant belly with flower.
Universal Baby Registry

Expecting a baby? Congratulations!

Start here by registering at The Pump Station. We give you more: personalized assistance, discounted enrollment in our highly regarded parenting classes; actual human, expert advice, and ability to add to your registry from any store. Why register anywhere else?

Dell laptop displaying a Zoom meeting.
Education For New Parents (and Grandparents)

You'll Love Our Classes.

Because babies don't come with instruction manuals! Our Baby Care and Breastfeeding Classes, Parent & Me Groups and Support Groups will leave you feeling super-confident and up-to-date on today's best practices. We even have a class for YOUR parents (you'll thank us later!)

Storefront with baby strollers.
Not a Call Center!

Real People, Practical Advice, Best Prices

Trained staff with valuable experience, not a faceless corporate "list" - that's our Pump Station team! We'll help you select gear that fits your lifestyle, and skip the things that don't. And you won't beat our prices.

Why shoot your Bezos Bucks into space, when we're a caring family business here on earth, ready to help you?

Babies playing with toys.
Build Your New Village Here

Mommy & Me

Having a baby is easy peasy, right? After that you're good to go, all by yourself ... no help needed... no worries ...

Or maybe there's a better way. Mommy and Me classes are one of the best investments you can make for yourself as a new mom. You'll find the guidance, education and friendships that ALL new mothers need.

Two plush toys.
New Jellycat Plush

See the latest!

Baby wearing glasses.
up to 20% off

Baby Care/ Breastfeeding Class Bundles

It's Easy!

Rent A Breast Pump Here

Nurture Now Blog

The Latest from The Pump Station

When do infants outgrown their infant car seats?

When do infants outgrown their infant car seats?

So, you’re a new parent and you’ve seen so much information on social media regarding whether your baby still fits in their infant seat and whether they are safe. Not...

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Baby in a bouncer seat.

Supporting baby & mom through the 4th Trimester with Stokke Yoga Baby Bouncer & Swing

In all of our prenatal and early parenting classes, we talk at length about the significance of the "fourth trimester." This term refers to the first three months after a...

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Brown plush teddy bear being hugged tightly.

Big News: California parental leave benefits WENT UP January 1st, 2025!!!

Starting January 1, 2025, California’s paid family leave benefits increased! This change means parents now receive more financial support when taking time off with their new little ones. Here’s what...

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Los Angeles skyline at sunset with palm trees and ’LA Strong’ text overlay.

Resources to support families & children affected by LA wildfires.

Helplines - Apps to support mental health - Books to help children - Resource Guides - Support Groups

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A tender moment between parent and sleeping baby wrapped in soft pink fabric.

Finding Emotional Safety in the Wake of the LA Fires

What we have experienced as a community in Los Angeles due to the wildfires has been devastating and heartbreaking. As the fires grew, we began to hear from friends and...

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Baby in a high chair being spoon-fed.

Introducing Solid Food Purées To Baby

New parents eventually start to think about getting baby involved in sharing the family meal. Starting solids is an exciting and important milestone in your baby’s development! It's important you...

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Gingerbread house decorated with icing and candy details.

Best Gifts for the Parents of a Newborn Baby: Our Doulas' Top 11 Recommendations

Shopping for a newborn or new parent? Baby gifts can be tricky! That’s why we went straight to the experts at Newborn Nurtury to create the ultimate gift guide for...

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Aircraft wing extending against a blue sky.

Flying With Your Breastfeeding Baby: Secret Tips Most New Moms Miss!

Every week in our New Mother Support groups, someone asks for tips on air travel with their breastfed baby. So I decided to compile a list of ideas that should...

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