The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding offers important and wide-ranging benefits for both moms and their infants. Besides the natural, nutritional components in breast milk to sustain your baby's physical, neurological and emotional growth, breastfeeding passes along important immunological benefits to the nursing baby, which can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of early illnesses. We believe that successful breastfeeding is an essential part of your newborn’s development, and it is our primary goal to support you in meeting your personal breastfeeding goals whatever they might be. 

We offer a number of virtual and in-person one-on-one and group services to help you, they include:

Prenatal Introduction to Breastfeeding Class:
Our Introduction to Breastfeeding Class has helped educate and prepare thousands of expectant moms in meeting and exceeding their breastfeeding goals. We provide essential information for new moms to breastfeed and pump successfully, grow and maintain milk supply and transition thru sleep issues, back-to work and so much more. This class give you the tools you need to get off to a good start in your breastfeeding journey.


New Mothers Breastfeeding Support Groups - On Zoom
Bring your baby to these special groups to share and learn in a friendly supportive atmosphere. Discussions are facilitated by lactation consultants and broach many topics including postpartum adjustment, feeding, burping, sleeping, gas and colic, normal newborn behavior, soothing fussy babies and breastfeeding. All new clients get 1 free class before and after baby arrives (use code FreeSG), additional classes are $15 each.

One-On-One Lactation Support Services:Breastfeeding Success

For some new moms, breastfeeding comes easily, but for many it can be more challenging. Our team of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, many of whom are also registered nurses, have decades of experience helping mothers who are struggling in a highly personalized individual setting. Our team is highly recommended by pediatricians and ObGyn’s across town. We offer the following one-on-one lactation support services:


Clinical Grade Breast Pumps for Rent or Pumps and Pump Parts for Purchase

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are required to provide new mothers with a breast pump to support nursing. These pumps can be effective, but we find that there are frequently delays in receiving them, and many mothers who are just beginning to nurse appreciate the better performance of hospital grade breast pumps until their milk supply is fully established. We rent high quality clinical grade Medela Symphony pumps on a short and longer term basis, and we also have Breast Pumps and Breast Pump Replacement Parts available for purchase.

Breastfeeding Help Library
Our library will help you learn more about the basics of breastfeeding, as well as information regarding typical challenges that nursing mothers and infants may face. Here are a few of our more popular pages…..

While everything carried in our stores is curated by our instructors and the parents we support, we’ve created a landing page for you with the “Our Must Have” breastfeeding basics:

Our Favorite Breastfeeding Products

Breastfeeding Success